Practical Tips for Software Deployment

Practical Tips for Software Deployment

Software deployment can be one of the most stressful experiences many organizations encounter, especially for office management technology.  Employees will have to learn a new process, and there are many unknowns.  Yet there are strategies you can use to make the process flow smoothly.

Practical Tips for Software Deployment

  • Schedule – Check your office’s work schedule and pick a time when the new software deployment will not disrupt operations. Remember there could always be unforeseen problems, so allow for time for which it is acceptable that operations could temporarily cease.
  • Communication – Have a meeting with your staff to explain the software deployment process. Remember that your employees are intelligent, but some may still be uncomfortable with working with complex technology, even in today’s technical culture. This is especially true with medical offices and facilities, since health care is still catching up with other industries in the area of management technology, and workers are often not used to the idea of having to use programs like medical inventory management software.
  • Data Migration – This is the trickiest part of software deployment. Work closely with your vendor to map the old legacy data to the categories of the new system. In fact, ask up front during the sales presentation if they are willing to assist with data migration. You definitely don’t want to handle this on your own. On the other hand, many new programs solve this problem by having customers recreate their data from scratch. This is a lot of work at first, but the advantage is it lets the customer define the data in exactly the way they want it. This also is necessary for medical offices moving from a paper-based system.
  • Positivity – Finally, do everything you can to help staff and management see that the implementation is a good thing, because it is. Remind them how it will help them serve patients better, and help to lower costs, which in the long run is better for the organization—and hence their careers. If there are any “resisters,” you may want to pull them aside and speak to them privately. If possible, show them the numbers on how much money the software will save the office in the long run. People often will change their views when given hard evidence on why a new direction makes sense. Do everything you can to be understanding and supportive of your staff during this transition period.

Software deployment can be a challenging process, but the right strategies can help ensure a successful and positive experience for you and your staff. This will allow the benefits of the new technology to strengthen your business as soon as possible.

Why work with us?

Working with ElevateHT means your clinical practice gains a trusted ally specialized in healthcare, uniquely dedicated to optimizing medical inventory and drug management. By streamlining these crucial processes, we free up your valuable time and resources, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—delivering exceptional patient care.
Important Note: We're delighted to announce that the ArbiMed software has been acquired by Elevate Health Technologies and has added new executive leadership. Our dedicated team, which you know and trust, remains in place.
The ArbiMed software name has been changed to Pulse.
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